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Monthly Materia Medica

Online Learning 

Monthly Materia Medica 

Study one medicinal plant in-depth, per month, at your own pace 

Plant ID • Foraging • Medicinal Plant Aspects and Preparations 

Cost: $15/Month 
1•3•6 month subscription types 

Monthly Materia Medica is a subscription-based online platform that takes place on discord. This is a great opportunity to tune into one commonly found herb at a time, at your own pace, each month of the year.

Each month, one wild herb will be chosen and discussed in detail in the format of a Materia Medica or Plant Monograph format. This format has been the modality of understanding medicinal plants for centuries. Having a compiled Materia Medica to begin your journey into solidifying deep knowledge of herbs found in wild spaces leads to a sense of sufficiency in accurately utilizing these plant for supporting wellness.

This course if for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of medicinal plants by learning how to accurately identify and forage them, their botanical nomenclature, their actions, constituents, energetic patterns, therapeutic applications, specific indications, scientific research, folklore attributions, appropriate dosage, and safety contraindications.

Students Can Expect To:
  • Learn the deep nuances of each monthly medicinal plant in the form of a Materia Medica performed by Grace

  • Receive a template for forming their own Materia Medica

  • Get visual representations of the plant in the form of photos and videos performed by Grace

  • Medicine making tool lists for at home remedy exploration

  • Video How-Tos for making medicine at home

  • In-depth foraging guidelines

  • Post experiences/questions/thoughts about the plants on the community forum throughout the month

  • Connect LIVE TWICE/MONTH for in person community connection; Materia Medica and Community Chat will be live AND recorded

  • ABOUT THE ONLINE FORMAT* once you register and pay, a request will be sent to join as a "website member" please advise that this is NOT where you will access material to the course. This is only where you can view your payment details and cancel subcriptions. A registration follow up email will come directly from Grace with details on joining the online classroom which takes place via Discord. 

Check out the plants we'll be studying! 
Respective Dates and Times 
January (2025): Reishi Mushroom
Begins January 2nd @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends January 30th @7-8pm: last live session 
February (2025): Birch (yellow & black)
Begins February 6th @7-8:30pm: first live session 
Ends February 27th @7-8pm: last live session 
March (2025): Turkey Tail Mushroom 
Begins March 6th @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends March 27th: @7-8pm: last live session
April (2025): Dandelion 
Begins April 3rd @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends April 24th @7-8pm: last live session 
May (2025): Cleavers 
Begins May 1st @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends May 29th @7-8pm: last live session 
June (2025): Wild Rose 
Begins June 5th @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends June 26th @7-8pm: last live session
July (2025): Yarrow
Begins July 3rd @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends July 31st @7-8pm: last live session
August (2025): Red Clover 
Begins August 7th @7-8:30pm: first live session
Ends August 28th @7-8pm: last live session 

* Denotes day other than first/last Thursday due to holidays and other scheduling conflicts. Some months may begin later/earlier and end earlier/later. Remember all live sessions are recorded! ​

Register Today! Subscriptions purchased AFTER the first live session will be applied to the following month.

  • Monthly Materia Medica Subscription

    Every month
  • Monthly Materia Medica

    Every 3 months
  • Monthly Materia Medica

    Every 6 months

This subscription grants access to:
• TWO live community classes typically occuring the FIRST and LAST Thursday of the month 
• 1.5 hour in-depth Materia Medica (plant monograph)
• Second community class held at the end of the month alots time to share personal experiences with the herb
• Exclusive recorded videos on how to ID plants and make medicine at home (at least 2 per month- one ID/foraging video, one medicine making video)

• A Materia Medica template for beginning your independent study

• Live community classes will be recorded for those who cannot make them

• Subscription types: 1 month, 3 month, and 6 month subscriptions available for each person. Cost is $15/month*

• Refunds: There are no refunds for this course.

*About the Online Format: Students will recieve an invitation to the online discord AFTER the deadline to sign up. This will be the "Registration Follow-Up Email"

*Registration Follow-Up Email: Expect this email at least 48 hours BEFORE the beginning of the month. Contains invitation to online discord and information regarding logisitcs for the month.

This social media platform is PRIVATE with all information kept between subscription members and I (Grace Krupkowski). Members are not required to put themselves on video. All you have to do is accept the invitation to recieve benefits from the Monthly Materia Medica!

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